Filter System Implementation

Written: 5 set 2023


The idea

Right now the number of posts are very low, but in the future (maybe) the number will grow and it will be hard to find a post. So I decided to implement a filter system. The idea is kind of simple, because I’m doing it in Javascript and NOT using an API system. So, anyway, let’s get started.

The result

The final result I wanted to achieve was a simple dialog in which I could select a tag taken from the posts and then the posts with that tag would be shown. So, I started to think about how to do it without changing a lot the NieR Automata UI.

Filter System

Let’s go to the code.

The code


	.filter-title {
		display: flex;
		justify-content: space-between;
		align-items: center;
		gap: 0.5em;
		padding: 0.5em;
		cursor: pointer;
	p {
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		gap: 0.2em;
		padding: 0.19em;
		cursor: pointer;

	.filters {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		gap: 1rem;
		background-color: var(--automataBg);
		padding: 1em;
		border-top: 2px solid var(--automataBlackOpacity);
		border-bottom: 2px solid var(--automataBlackOpacity);
		max-height: 300px;
		height: 0;
		min-width: 300px;
		overflow: scroll;
		opacity: 0;
		transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;

	.filter-item {
		color: var(--automataColor);
		text-transform: uppercase;
		position: relative;
		z-index: 2;

	.filter-item::before {
		content: '';
		background-color: var(--automataColor);
		width: 100%;
		position: absolute;
		left: 0;
		height: 100%;
		transform: scaleX(0);
		transform-origin: left;
		transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out;
		z-index: -1;
		cursor: pointer;

	.filter-item:hover::before {
		transform: scaleX(1);

	.filter-item:hover {
		color: var(--automataBg) !important;
		transition: 0.2s ease-in-out;

	.backdrop {
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		z-index: -1;
		background-color: var(--automataColor);
		opacity: 0;

	::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
		background-color: var(--automataBg);

	::-webkit-scrollbar {
		width: 0.5em;

	.clear {
		background-color: var(--automataRedOpacity);
		font-size: 1.2em;
		padding: 0.5em;
		color: var(--automataColor);
		text-align: center;
		cursor: pointer;
		justify-content: center;

	.clear:hover {
		background-color: var(--automataRed);
		transition: 0.2s ease-in-out;


	<div class="filter-title" on:click={() => handleClick()} id="1">
		{#if isShowing}
			<ChevronsDownUp cursor="pointer" />
			<ChevronsUpDown cursor="pointer" />
	<div bind:this={filters} class="filters">
		{#each categories as category, i}
			<div on:click={() => setActive(i)}>
				<p class="filter-item" id="-{i}">
					<span class="backdrop" /><Cpu />{category}
	{#if activeFilters.length > 0}
		<p on:click={() => clearFilters()} transition:fly class="clear">CLEAR</p>

The main functions are handled in the filter-title div, which script will be shown below.

Then, for each category in the list, the string is added to an array called activeFilters. This array is used to filter the posts sending it with an eventDispatcher to the component that handles the blog’s material.



	import { ChevronsDownUp, ChevronsUpDown, Cpu } from 'lucide-svelte';
	import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
	import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';

	export let categories: string[] = [];

	let activeFilters: string[] = [];
	let isShowing = false;
	let filters: HTMLElement;
	const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();

	const handleClick = () => {
		isShowing = !isShowing;

		if (isShowing) {'height', '300px');'width', '100%');'opacity', '1');
		} else {'height', '0');'opacity', '0');

	const clearFilters = () => {
		activeFilters = [];

		let items = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-item');
		items.forEach((item: any) => {
			item.firstChild?.style.setProperty('opacity', '0');'color', 'var(--automataColor)');
		dispatch('filter', activeFilters);
	const setActive = (i: number) => {
		let target: any = document.getElementById(`-${i}`);

		let filter = target?.textContent;
		if (activeFilters.includes(filter!)) {
			activeFilters = activeFilters.filter((item) => item !== filter);
			// target the first child and set the style
			target?.firstChild?.style.setProperty('opacity', '0');'color', 'var(--automataColor)');
		} else {
			activeFilters = [...activeFilters, filter!];
			// target the first child and set the style
			target?.firstChild?.style.setProperty('opacity', '1');'color', 'var(--automataBg)');

		dispatch('filter', activeFilters);

I could have handled the css using the reference to the HTMLElement, but I was a little bit lazy and I didn’t want to do it. So, I used the style property to set the css selectors.

Not so much to say anymore, the code pretty much explains itself. You can copy and use this code in your projects, but I would appreciate if you could give me some credit 🙏.


I’m pretty happy with the result, it’s simple and it works. I’m not sure if I will update it in the future, but I will probably do it. I hope you enjoyed this post and see you in the next one!

Daniele Avolio - Web Development and AI © 2024